Tuesday, January 25, 2011


When I was a kid, I always looked forward to Saturdays.  First thing Saturday morning, we got to go shopping and pick out our candy for the afternoon. (We were allowed candy once a week, and Saturdays were it!)  Then we went home and had a light dinner, it was always this particular porridge that Norwegians make and at night, after we ate our candy, we usually ate a late dinner together.  This dinner would be a non-sensible dinner, meaning it wasn't meat and potatoes, or fish and potatoes or anything of the day-to-day dinner stuff we'd eat during the week.  We'd have pizza or hot dogs or pastas, and I remembered this Paella that my mom used to make and decided to give it a try.
As I'm on a diet, I was a little hesitant once I saw the calories adding up as I kept adding ingredients to the pot, however it was a big pot, at least 4 servings, and once I divided the calories up, it wasn't so bad after all, in fact, it's quite a healthy dinner.

This is not a traditional Paella, as I believe a traditional version will have more seafood in it than this one does.  Our paella has chicken and ham in it, along with some shrimp, because that's the way we liked it!

Here's the recipe, it's about 4 servings:

1 cup rice
1 lbs chicken (you can either get a grilled chicken from the store and pick the meat from it, or just use chicken breasts)
150 gram shrimp
0.5 lbs ham (can be any type of ham/pork... I used this pre-cooked ham I found at Vons, but you can use canned ham or any type you can find...)
2 1/3 cups chicken stock
2/3 cup frozen peas & carrots (from the mix)
1/2 onion
1/2 tbsp Turmeric (or Saffron.... I used the cheap version lol)

1. Boil the rice in 2 cups of the chicken stock
2. Pluck the chicken meat from the chicken (of you got a rotisserie one from the store), or if you use chicken breasts, grill them and set aside.
3. Saute the onion in a pan.
4. Add the ham, the peas & carrots and the rest of the chicken stock to the pan and let boil.
5. Add the chicken and the shrimp to the pan
6. Add salt & pepper to taste
7. Add 1/2 tbsp Turmerac (or more if you want, depends on your taste)
8. Once the rice is cooked, stir everything else into the rice and let simmer until the shrimp is warm.

Good sides to include with this paella is some fresh rolls, perhaps a salad and some chips (I prefer Lays)

Just FYI, the calorie count for this per portion is about 417.

(Also, this recipe was translated from Norwegian, including the measurements, so if there are any questions.... don't hesitate.... lol)

1 comment:

  1. This paella could fit my taste too - except for the shrimps, but Odd love shrimps so... ;) Thanks for sharing this recepie
