Thursday, January 13, 2011

Macaroni Soup!

Ok so I have no idea why or how I all of a sudden had a craving for Macaroni Soup.  Maybe I was thinking of home.... or maybe I was thinking of macaroni.... not sure.   Anyway, while growing up in Norway, Macaroni Soup was a fairly common dish that we were served as kids.  I've come to find that not every Norwegian has heard of Macaroni Soup, but most Norwegian moms have made this at one point.

I remember even cooking Macaroni Soup for my 4H project... I believe my 4H Projects that year revolved around cooking, and one of the dishes I made was macaroni soup. 

The thing about Macaroni Soup is that you have to stand over it and stir it while it's cooking.  It's milk based, and milk tends to boil over really fast. Before you know it, it's all over your kitchen. No joke.  I remember one time, my brother was going to surprise my mom and me with hot chocolate.  Mom and I were out somewhere, and he'd decided to make hot chocolate for us.  In those days, we didn't put powder in a cup and microwave it.  We made hot chocolate from scratch, which meant boiling milk.  When mom and I came back from our outing, safe to say, the entire kitchen was covered in milk.  Once that milk starts rising in the pot, there's no stopping it.  I'm sure it was one of those moments in my mom's life where she didn't know whether to praise or yell at her kid.  On one hand, it was sweet to want to surprise us with hot chocolate, on the other, both my brother and I knew to be careful with the stove, especially when home alone.
Not sure what the end result was.  I think my mom might have taken mercy on us and made us hot chocolate in the end after all ;-)

Anyway.  Here's the recipe for Macaroni Soup, if anyone wants to try it.  Really, don't knock it till you try it.  I know I can't wait to cook this for Aurora while she grows up.... on days she's sick, on rainy days or on days she just needs some comfort food.  Macaroni soup it is!

(4 portions)

8 dl Milk  (3.5 Cups)
2 dl Water (3/4 Cup)
1.5 Table Spoons Butter/Margerine
4 Handfulls of macaroni (or more if you like a LOT of macaroni... I do!)
2 Tablespoons Sugar

Heat the milk, water and butter in a pot, up to boiling point.
Toss in the handfulls of macaroni and the sugar, boil until the macaroni is done (I prefer them a little chewy for this particular dish....).
(NOTE: As stated above, STAND BY THE POT the ENTIRE TIME!  If the milk decides to boil over, oh boy, it'll go fast!)

I also like to throw in a cinnamon stick while the macaroni is boiling to give it a faint cinnamon flavor.

Serve up in a bowl, drizzle cinnamon and sugar in top and enjoy!
Here's a photo of the finished product! :)

I enjoyed it as I knew I would. Not sure my husband enjoyed it as much, it's possible it's best when served alongside childhood memories :-)  Either way.... I'll make sure Aurora has some memories to go along with her macaroni soup :)

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